Actio pauliana adalah
Actio pauliana adalah

actio pauliana adalah

A legal solution is considered adequate if: (i) it is compatible with existing legislation, (ii) it subjects business decisions to less stringent judicial scrutiny than other types of transactions, and (iii) its outcome is predictable at the time of the challenged transaction. Particular questions include: Should the law allow complex transactions (e.g.

actio pauliana adalah

The first sub-objective of the research is to supplement, and where necessary adjust, the current law in relation to the actio pauliana to make it an adequate tool for creditors against the opportunistic use of the legal personality. Hence, the central research question is: “ How should the actio pauliana be designed as an adequate instrument of creditor protection against the opportunistic use of legal entities?” The central objective of this research is to design a new legal framework in relation to the actio pauliana, in order to make it a more adequate (as defined below) tool to counter the opportunistic use of legal entities. By contrast, Belgian legal doctrine on the pauliana remains the quasi-exclusive domain of private law scholars with an (often implicit) focus on dealings between individuals. In other jurisdictions, legal scholars indeed fully recognize the importance of the pauliana – or functional equivalents thereof – as an instrument of creditor protection in legal entities. The actio pauliana can therefore be an important instrument to minimize opportunistic behavior in legal entities, by enabling creditors to set aside transactions in which the entity's legal personality is used to harm them. On the contrary, he may enrich himself by extracting assets from it, leaving the entity and its creditors empty-handed. If a shareholder impoverishes the legal entity under his control, he does not by definition impoverish himself. This opens the door to opportunistic behavior. Unlike in the case of an individual, the holder of the rights to a legal entity’s assets (the intangible entity itself) by definition differs from the persons actually exercising control over it (such as directors and controlling shareholders). However, that underlying basic trust is hard to reconcile with the particular nature of legal entities (such as most companies). This principle of autonomy is based on a basic trust that every person will manage his estate in good faith, as he himself will primarily bear the consequences of his mismanagement. The pauliana constitutes an important exception to each person's autonomy over his estate.

#Actio pauliana adalah full#

It is a remedy (i) of a creditor (ii) against the beneficiary (iii) of an act committed by his debtor (iv) with the intent or knowledge of (v) preventing full recovery of the creditor’s claim, provided that (vi) either the transaction was gratuitous or the beneficiary acted in bad faith. The pauliana exists under general civil law as well as under bankruptcy law, in which case it is exercised by the bankruptcy trustee. In Continental legal traditions, this legal remedy is known as the (actio) pauliana. Under certain conditions, however, a court can allow the creditor to set aside the transaction by which his debtor caused of exacerbated his own insolvency. by transferring assets to a friend for free. Jakarta: Penerbit Rineka Cipta.A debtor may elude his creditor by making himself insolvent, e.g. Sebagai dasar untuk “perjanjian yang dapat dibatalkan” yaitu gugatan actio pauliana (upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan oleh pihak ketiga untuk mengajukan pembatalan perjanjian yang dibuat oleh para pihak, karena perjanjian dianggap merugikan kepentingan pihak ketiga) atau alasan ketidak-seimbangan isi perjanjian yang sangat menyolok, yang di Indonesia diatur dalam woeker ordonantie sedangkan dalam NBW dimasukkan dalam Pasal 6:233 sub a. Selain itu di luar syarat sahnya perjanjian KUHperdata mengenal juga alasan lain

actio pauliana adalah

Pass-through claim = gugatan actio pauliana Karena itu, saya menyimpulkan dan mengusulkan: Uraian di atas menunjukkan bahwa definisi PTC selaras dg pengertian GAP. Selanjutnya, dalam sistem hukum perdata Indonesia dikenal gugatan actio pauliana, yaitu gugatan yg disampaikan oleh pihak ketiga (C) kepada para pihak (A dan B) dalam suatu perjanjian karena perjanjian tsb merugikan pihak ketiga tsb. Karena itu, gugatan si subkontraktor disampaikan melalui kontraktor. Yg memiliki perikatan hukum adalah kontraktor (A) dan pemilik proyek (B).

actio pauliana adalah

Subkontraktor (C) tidak bisa melakukan gugatan langsung kepada pemilik proyek karena mereka tidak memiliki perikatan hukum. Menurut info dari Internet, past-through claim adalah gugatan atas kerugian yg dialami subkontraktor yg disampaikan oleh kontraktor kepada pemilik proyek. Pass-through claim Indonesian translation: gugatan actio pauliana

  • Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters.

  • Actio pauliana adalah